
Threat and Risk Assessment

What needs to be protected? · Who/What are the threats and vulnerabilities? · What are the implications if they were damaged or lost? · What is the value to the organization? · What can be done to minimize exposure to the loss or damage?  

With over 30 years of experience we are best placed to assess your threats and risk and provide clear guidance in improving resilience.

Security Planning

Once the security threats and their impact is assessed we can develop measures to neutralise or mitigate their effect. We provide advice and guidance to organisations for two key areas of security planning: 

  • Planning for new security projects or upgrades to existing security measures
  • Planning contingency measures that will need to be implemented in the event of a security incident

Security Design & Build

 With over 30 years experience in Critical Infrastructure Protection design and build our team is best placed to implement your security transformation plans in the most cost effective and timely manner. We can provide bespoke or turnkey solutions or simply manage your project to ensure its effective implementation.   

Concept of Operations

We can help to capture, refine and express your ways of working and objectives from a security perspective. What are your threats/risks, what are your assets/technologies, how do you react to incidents, who does what?

We can quickly provide your security management function with operating procedures based on industry best practices.

Request for Proposal Creation & Management

We work closely with you to recommend, guide and capture your security requirements  to take to the market as tenders for companies to respond to and manage the process of responses, queries and selections accordingly. 

Proposal Creation & Management

 We have a wealth of experience in managing the creation of winning responses to complex large scale security tenders on behalf of our customers. We can provide subject matter expertise across all disciplines and overall bid management to ensure the delivery of the highest quality and compliant  technical and commercial offers.  

Strategy and Business Re-alignment

 We help you create or refine your company strategy, markets, your portfolio, partners and value proposition and consequently your go-to-market approach. After all our team have been doing this for fortune 500 companies for years. Building business, building brand, building value.  

Business Development and Sales


We can provide subject matter expertise on a part-time or full-time consultancy basis, or even on long term secondment taking on senior roles to transform your business according

In addition we can provide feet-on-ground pre-sales subject matter expertise to supplement your existing sales team and even manage customer engagements, sales funnel from concept to closure.

Project Management


We have a wealth of experience in project and program management, creating realisable programs, recruiting and leading diverse teams across a wide range of disciplines.

We are particularly adept at rescuing problem projects, re-aligning stakeholder expectations, requirements, solution and getting the project back on track.